Subdistrict Heads Are Strictly Prohibited from Bringing New District Operational Cars Home

INFOKU, BLORA   A total budget of IDR 3.67 billion will be used to purchase official cars (mobdin) in 16 sub-districts.

Operational Car for the District of Blora Baru Regency All New Azanza Type E (Archive photo)

Pemkab reasoned to support operations, not the sub-district official car. This is because previously operational cars were loaned to each Koramil.

The General Head of the Regional Secretariat (Setda) Blora Sujianto said that 16 sub-districts had received operational cars since last week.

The state-owned car supports the operational activities of the sub-district.

"So the car is not for the district head," he explained yesterday. 

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According to Sujianto, the Blora Regency Government has budgeted Rp. 3.67 billion for the purchase of the All New Avanza Type E.

Replacing the Suzuki APV car, rented and donated to the Koramil in Blora on March 8, 2021.

"The car that was previously withdrawn by the district government is used by the operational and ramil. So that the operational district of Keteteran. Finally, last year's budget preparation agreed on the procurement of operational cars," he said.

The reason for choosing the All New Avanza Type E, according to Sujianto, was because it adjusted the budget.

Each unit costs IDR 227.5 million.

"The operational car is used to support the activities of PKK, dharmawoman, and health service cars in the village," he explained.

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Some people think that the car is the sub-district official's car.

As stated by the Secretary for State Finance Monitoring (PKN) Blora Fuad Mustofa protested the district government's policy of buying new official cars for all sub-district heads.

Blora Regent Arief Rohman explained that every element in the sub-district could use the car.

Official cars may not be controlled or taken home by sub-district heads or sub-district officials.

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"Must be parked at the district office when not in use. If at any time someone wants to use it immediately go to the garage of the sub-district office," he explained.

As is known, the sub-district official car is currently a silver Terios.

The Regent explained, if the sub-district head has activities, other officials are confused when they get invitations for outside activities because there are no operational vehicles to the villages. ( Endah IST )

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