Violating the Rules, Tiara Karaoke, Adella Karaoke, and Queen Karaoke Sentenced to a Fine of IDR 500,000 Each

INFOKU, BLORA  In the legal process, three karaoke cafe entrepreneurs in the Cumpleng Indah (CI) area of ​​Todanan District were fined Rp. 500,000.

Criminal threats will be given, if it continues to open again during the fasting of Ramadan.


All three are illegal. Also, applications for business licenses for night entertainment and karaoke are minimal.

Head of Regional Legislation Enforcement Division (Kabid) of Blora PP Satpol Welly Sujatmiko said that karaoke owners at CI were demanded by residents to shut down stubbornness.

Still open after the warning letter was posted. So that legal action was taken, the three of them were dragged to trial.

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"Last Friday we had a trial. From the judge's decision, they received a fine of IDR 500,000,” he explained yesterday (24/3).

Includes Tiara Karaoke, Adella Karaoke, and Queen Karaoke. According to him, a fine of Rp. 500,000 is a deterrent effect, and according to regional regulations, the maximum is Rp. 50 million.

“This means we are taking firm action against illegal entrepreneurs. Moreover, previously given socialization, "he explained.

According to Welly, the CI complex has around 20 karaoke rooms, but only one has a license.

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It is possible that violations will still increase. Satpol PP members will often monitor. After the judge's decision if the karaoke entrepreneur repeats the same thing, the prosecution will be increased.

"It could even go up to prison confinement according to local regulations," he said.

The Head of the Tourism Office of the Blora Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Dinporabudpar) Office, Isti Nuratri, said that there are still many karaoke tourism businesses that do not yet have permits.

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He hoped that entrepreneurs would immediately legalize their businesses.

"Many of them are not licensed. There are a total of 68. There are 60 karaokes that are not yet licensed, 8 that are already licensed,” he explained.  ( EndahIST )

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