INFOKU, BLORA - The Blora Regency Government will immediately submit a Judicial Review of the Central and Regional Financial Relations Law (HKPD).
The DPRD has also signed a letter of approval which will be forwarded to the Constitutional Court ( MK ).
This is a serious effort by the district government to obtain more oil and gas revenue sharing funds ( DBH ) in the future. "This morning (sent a letter to the DPRD) for a judicial review plan for the HKPD Law on oil and gas DBH ," said Regent Arief Rohman after a plenary meeting with the council in the yard of the DPRD office last Thursday (16/1).
Arief emphasized that the DPRD has approved the proposal. Furthermore, it will immediately submit a request for a judicial review of the HKPD Law to the Constitutional Court. This is a serious step by the district government so that the DBH for oil and gas can be distributed fairly.
"It will be submitted to the Constitutional Court so that the DBH value (received by Blora) in the future will be even better," said Regent Arief.
It takes quite a long time for the application to be accepted by the Judicial institution. In addition, the applicant must be the Blora Regency Government.
"It's a process, because the submission must be from the district government, with the approval of the DPRD," he added.
Also read: Predictions Missed, 2023 Oil and Gas DBH for Blora Only IDR 160 Billion
Blora DPRD Chairman Mustopa confirmed that the district government had sent a letter regarding approval of the submission of the JR UU HKPD.
All members of the DPRD agreed to encourage the district government to take legal steps that will be taken. "Yes, we agreed yesterday," he said.
He hopes that the current HKPD Law material can be changed. So that the DBH obtained by the district government can be greater.
Because the Blora area is about 30 percent included in the Cepu Block oil and gas mining work area ( WKP ) . With the current division, it certainly feels unfair.
"After we approve it, it will be immediately submitted to the Constitutional Court," he said.
The district government has previously held meetings with the Ministry of Home Affairs ( Kemendagri ) regarding the planned JR of the HKPD Law to the Constitutional Court.
In addition, he also collaborated with Bonyamin Saiman to help with the submission process to the Constitutional Court.
The district government has also prepared a DBH formula that allows Blora district to receive a higher percentage than that specified.
Namely, the calculation of DBH oil and gas refers to administrative length, distance to the wellhead, regarding the environmental quality index, and refers to the utilization of Bengawan Solo water . (Endah / IST )
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