INFOKU, BLORA -There were 63 scenes acted out by suspect M. Khundori (MK), 35, during the reconstruction of the premeditated murder case of a father and son who died from poisoning yesterday (10/3).
The reconstruction of the murder that occurred in Wangil Hamlet, Sambonganyar Village, Ngawen District was held in the yard of the Blora Police Headquarters.
It is known that it was revealed in the reconstruction that MK, who is a relative of the victim, carried out his action alone, when the victim's house was quiet last Friday (21/2).
It turned out that the poison was poured into the victim's drinking water gallon . From the gallon, it was poured into the jug used by the victim, Muslikin, 45, for drinking every day.
Also read: Motive for Murder of Father and Son Revealed Due to Revenge
This cruel intention not only claimed Muslikin's life, but also the victim's youngest daughter, SK, who was only nine years old.
As is known, MK's relationship with Muslikin is that of brother-in-law , because MK is married to the victim's wife's younger brother.
Blora Police Chief AKBP Wawan Andi Susanto said that the perpetrator was asked to act out the scene he had committed.
A total of 63 scenes, starting from the beginning when he had a plan to poison the victim.
"We also presented nine witnesses, there were 63 reconstruction scenes today," he said after the reconstruction at the Blora Police yesterday (10/3).
MK carried out his action by riding a motorbike to buy apotas and rat poison .
The poison was then mixed and put into a bottle, then taken to the victim's house.
The reenactment of the scene also included the time when MK was still attending the condolences and tahlil at the victim's residence.
After that, he fled to Samarinda using travel services.
AKBP Wawan explained that reconstruction was important to make the case clearer.
In order to clarify the information provided by the suspect and witnesses.
"Clarifying a crime and convincing investigators of the crime that occurred. And, to match the statements of witnesses with the facts on the ground," he explained.
In addition, the reconstruction is also intended to strengthen the case files that will be submitted in court.
"Later, investigators will immediately complete the case files and then they can be immediately submitted to the Blora District Attorney's Office , " he said.
He emphasized that the results of the reconstruction that had been carried out were in accordance with the statements from witnesses and suspects.
The motive for the premeditated murder is thought to have been based on resentment and revenge towards the victim's family.
There are several problems expressed by the suspect.
Namely, in the victim's family (along with his in-laws), the suspect was considered to have nothing.
When the suspect bought the rice field from his in-laws, the suspect was given the southern part.
In fact, the suspect wanted to buy the rice fields in the north.
Also read: Blora Police Hold Reconstruction of Murder Case in Nglebok Localization, Cepu, Blora
"There was also a problem when buying a teak tree . The suspect wanted to buy a teak tree belonging to his in-laws, but it was cut down by the victim and donated to a prayer room," he said.
For his actions, the suspect was charged with primary article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder, which carries the threat of the death penalty or a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.
Also subsidiary article 338 of the Criminal Code on murder, the maximum penalty is 15 years in prison. (Endah / IST )
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