Forest Exploration, Blora Police Distribute Water Social Assistance to Residents

INFOKU, BLORA  - Blora Police, Central Java Regional Police, through the Logistics Section distributed clean water assistance to residents affected by drought on Friday (13/09/2024).  

The target of today's water social assistance is one of the Blora Police's Friday Blessings programs, where today clean water assistance is distributed. 

The Friday Curhat activity for clean water social assistance was led by the Head of Logistics Division, Commissioner Nuraini Rosyidah, and the target was residents in the Grasak hamlet, Ngliron Village, Randublatung District, which is located in the interior of the forest in the southern Blora area. 

Blora Police Chief AKBP Wawan Andi Susanto, through the Head of Logistics, said that this clean water assistance is a real manifestation of the implementation of the Great Blora Police Slogan, (Present, Act, Beneficial).

Also read: Dropping of Clean Water Aid for Drought-Affected Residents from Blora Police Continues

"This Healthy Friday Clean Water Assistance is a real manifestation of the presence of the Blora Police in the midst of the community. This time we are distributing clean water to residents affected by drought," said Kompol Nuraini. 

Kompol Nuraini continued, in the distribution of clean water social assistance, his party had coordinated with the local Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa so that it was truly right on target. 

After traveling through the southern Blora forest, finally two tanks of clean water brought by the Blora Police arrived at their destination. 

The arrival of the clean water tank was immediately greeted by residents who had prepared buckets, jerry cans, and water containers.

Where indeed this hamlet area has difficulty getting clean water every dry season. 

Siti, one of the residents, said she was happy and expressed her gratitude.

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"Alhamdulillah, thank you for the water assistance from Polres Blora. This is very useful for residents," said Siti. 

For your information, the Blora Police's clean water social assistance activities continue to be carried out after yesterday in the Jepon and Tunjungan sub-districts, this time targeting Randublatung sub-district. (Setyorini/POL) 

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