INFOKU, BLORA –Data obtained from the Blora Police oncases of death due to suicide in one year (2022) totaled 26 cases.
The head of the Social Services Agency of Blora Indah Purwaningsih said he was concerned about suicide cases, because for several years the number had been quite high.
"It takes treatment and synergy to reduce the suicide rate. We are concerned because it went up this year," he explained.
Indah said that the social condition of the community especially affected the family.
The average number of suicides due to chronic illnesses does not go away , including suicides due to poverty.
However, his party provides assistance for the elderly and social assistance (bansos). Because it is not possible to bring in a psychiatrist.
" Limited human resources. If we bring in psychiatrists for chronically ill people, our manpower is not enough," he explained. ( Endah / IST )