1,000 Orphans in Blora Receive PR. Sukun Assistance

INFOKU, BLORA -As many as 1,000 orphans in Blora Regency received assistance from the Sukun Cigarette Company (PR), Sunday (9/3/2025). 

The activity is part of a program to provide assistance to 10,000 orphans in ten districts/cities in Central Java.

For Blora, the activity was held at Graha Larasati. Also present were the Regent of Blora, H. Arief Rohman, the Chairman of the Blora Regency MUI KH. Muharror Ali, Corporate Secretary of PT. Sukun Deka Hendratmanto, Lianty Achwas Edi Wartono and Adhimsa Yusuf Wartono.

Previously, this orphan assistance activity was carried out in a number of districts/cities.

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Such as Salatiga City, Semarang City, Semarang Regency, Demak Regency, Grobogan Regency and for the Blora region, it is the 6th series.

Corporate Secretary PR. Sukun, Deka Hendratmanto, said that this year is the 8th year of Sukun Cigarette Company (PR) sharing activities in the month of Ramadan.

"Alhamdulillah, this is the 8th year and of course in this activity we are greatly assisted by our partners, namely from Lazismu, Lazisnu, Banser, and of course the Blora district government under Regent Arief who is now extraordinary in continuing to collaborate with us," explained Deka.

It was explained that during the activity, Sukun Cigarette Company (PR) shared in the month of Ramadan, the Blora government was extraordinary where every activity was always supported directly by the Regent. 

Deka admitted that during the 8 years of traveling around, of course there are still many shortcomings, therefore we also ask for input and direction.

Through this activity, Deka asked for prayers from all orphans so that Sukun would be given ease and smoothness in his business.

"We only ask for prayers that Sukun will be given ease and smoothness in his business, and that our elders will always be prayed for," he said.

Meanwhile, Tas'an Wartono explained that this year's assistance program was held in 10 cities and districts in Central Java with the theme "Sing Eling Lan Waspada".

It was explained that the orphanage charity activity from Sukun was an annual routine agenda of the company as one of the social services to the problem. This activity was carried out alternately in 10 cities, namely Blora, Rembang, Pati, Jepara, Demak, Grobogan, Semarang City, Semarang Regency, Salatiga City, and ended in Kudus.

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Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Blora MUI, KH Muharror Ali, appreciated the activities carried out by PR Sukun every year,

According to him, this activity is certainly very positive and I am sure this activity will be very beneficial for all of us.

"Every year the number of 10,000 is certainly very large and will certainly be a blessing for all of us and especially for PR Sukun," he said. (Endah/KOM) 

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