Sendangharjo Village Head's Lawsuit Regarding Cancellation of Dismissal Decree Rejected by PTUN

INFOKU, BLORA – Finally,the lawsuit filed by the Head of Sendangharjo Village, Blora District, Wiwik Suhendro atSemarangState AdministrativeCourtPTUN has failed. 

photo:  IST  

Namely, based on the decision of  the Semarang PTUN  Number 85/G/2024/PTUN.SMG. However, the Head of Sendangharjo Village has stated an appeal.

The decision of the panel of judges was to reject the application of the Head of Sendangharjo Village as the plaintiff regarding the cancellation of  the Decree  (SK) of the Blora Regent Number: 141/299/2024 as the defendant.

Also read: Finally, the Village Head in Blora was Dismissed, Proven to Have Committed Immoral Acts

Also ordered the plaintiff to pay  court costs  amounting to Rp. 365,500.

As previously reported, Village Head Wiwik Suhendro was dismissed from his position through  the Blora Regent's Decree  on July 19, 2024.

The content is about the honorable dismissal not at his own request of Wiwik Suhendro from the position of Head of Sendangharjo Village.

Wiwik was fired for  having a secret marriage  with a  village official . Thus, it is considered a violation of PP Number 10 of 1983 concerning Marriage and Divorce Permits for  Civil Servants .

Also read: Blora Regent "If You Want to Defend Yourself Through PTUN", Regarding the Removal of Village Heads for Immoral Acts

Regarding the results of the lawsuit, the Head of the Legal Section of  the Blora District Government Regional Secretariat,  Slamet Setiono, said that his party was still waiting.

"We'll wait. They appeal or not. If within 14 days there is no appeal, it means that the decision will  be inkracht  (have permanent legal force), so that it will be executed immediately," he said.

Separately, Wiwik Suhendro's Legal Advisor (PH), Zainudin, said that his party would file an appeal.

Also read: Not Accepting Being Dismissed Due to Immoral Acts, Sendangharjo Village Head Will File an Appeal

Because the plaintiff did not accept that his lawsuit was rejected.

"There are still 14 days. We are preparing an appeal at the Semarang PTUN. However, the trial will likely be in Surabaya," he said.  (Endah/ IST ) 

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