INFOKU, BLORA – I can't believe there are only two months left, the temperature of the General Election 2024 is starting to heat up and can be felt on various fronts, including in the villages.
Therefore, the Supervisory Body Elections (Bawaslu) Blora gave letters of appeal to 295 village heads (village heads) throughout the Regency Blora so that neutral. If it is not neutral, then there is a threat of criminal sanctions criminal.
Chairman Bawaslu Blora Andyka Fuad Ibrahim emphasized that The village head and village officials are the parties who must be able to maintain their neutrality in the 2024 campaign stage Election .
The prohibition, he continued, is contained in article 280 paragraph (2) letters h, i, and j, as well as paragraph (3) and article 282 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Election.
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"Furthermore, the sanctions are listed in articles 490, 494 and 548 of the Election Law ," said Andyka.
Please note, article 490 mentions village heads who deliberately make decisions that benefit or harm one of the election participants during the campaign period, be punished with criminal imprisonment for a maximum of one year and a fine of a maximum of IDR 12 million.
Division Coordinator (Kordiv) for Prevention, Community Participation and Community Relations (P2H) Bawaslu Blora Muhammad Musta'in added that efforts to write to all village heads were prevention in order to minimize the occurrence of election violations < a i=7> 2024.
Especially at the campaign stage, so the appeal letter issued Bawaslu Blora, contains prohibitions against only for village heads/lurah.
But also village officials, village consultative bodies (BPD), and village-owned enterprises (BUMD) in the campaign stage Election 2024.
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Apart from that, the warning letter also states sanctions for violating applicable regulations.
"We urge all village heads/lurah, village officials, BPD, and BUMD administrators to continue to behave neutral and not involved in campaigns carried out by participants in the 2024 election election ," he added. (Endah/IST)