INFOKU, BLORA – Construction of the Wulung-Klatak Road , residents of Pengkoljagong Village, Jati District held a thanksgiving to welcome the completion of the project.
As a form of gratitude, the residents enlivened it by surrounding the Sego Blessing.
Sego thanks to being wrapped in teak leaves was surrounded when the hot sun was directly overhead.
In the midst of the public euphoria, the Regent of Blora, Arief Rohman, was also present to cheer it up. The Regent said the road project was 100 percent complete .
"Alhamdulillah. This is a feeling of gratitude from local residents for the construction of a road that they have long dreamed of. "It's 100 percent complete," he explained.
This road section is an alternative link between Randublatung District and Jati District.
The source of funds is from the Presidential Instruction (Inpres) budget.
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“This uses 4.7 kilometers of rigid concrete. The total budget is IDR 47 billion from the APBN (Inpres). "Thank you to those from the center who have succeeded in making it happen," he explained.
It is known that the reconstruction of Jalan Wulung-Klatak has been carried out since July 27. The length of work is 158 calendar days. And, maintenance of 365 calendar days with the implementer PT Heksa Mandiri.
Separately, Mbah Dandang, one of the local residents, admitted that he was grateful that the roads in his village were good. Because the previous road conditions were very worrying.
He also said that holding the thanksgiving was a form of gratitude from local residents for the road improvements.
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"As a resident of Jati, I would like to thank the President, the Minister and also the Regent for providing a smooth path like this," he said. ( Endah / IST )