INFOKU, BLORA - Driving a motorized vehicle, Blora Police Chief AKBP Agus Puryadi, together with the main officers of Blora Police carried out a patrol and survey of Ngawen Police Headquarters on Wednesday, (6/12/2023) morning.
The Blora Police Chief arrived at the Ngawen Police Station and was greeted by the Ngawen Police Chief AKP Lilik Eko S., and all Ngawen Police personnel.
The main objective of the Blora Police Chief in carrying out this review is to check the condition of the police headquarters, cleanliness and suitability for community services.
"Always keep the inside and outside of the Mako clean, because by seeing our headquarters clean, we will definitely be more enthusiastic about working. That also applies to community members who request services here, the applicants feel comfortable and don't feel uncomfortable seeing dirty Mako." said the Blora Police Chief.
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The Police Chief also added that although the Ngawen Police Headquarters is still an old model, it can add to the aesthetics of the building, so it's up to the personnel how to maintain it.
"I would also like to thank the Ngawen Police Chief, who I know is a volleyball athlete too, and built a volleyball court behind Mako. Because I am also the Head of POBVSI for Blora Regency." he added.
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Apart from checking Mako's condition, the Blora Police Chief reminded personnel during the election stage to always be neutral and not to give preference to parties who would show that we are not neutral, when taking photo poses you should also not use finger styles that could point at the candidate pair. (Endah/ POL)