INFOKU, BLORA - A total of 703 plots of land belonging to the people of Sonorejo Village, Blora District, have been certified through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program.
Hundreds of certificates were symbolically handed over by the Regent of Blora, H. Arief Rohman to the local community at the Sonorejo Village Office, Thursday (21/12/23). Accompanying the Head of the Blora ATR/BPN Land Office, Rarif Setiawan.
"Today we handed over 703 mass certificates from the PTSL program to Sonorejo residents. Thank God and thank you to ATR BPN, Mr. Minister, who has created this program," said Regent Arief.
On this occasion, the Regent advised people whose land does not yet have a certificate to immediately obtain a certificate so that they can have legal certainty.
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" For residents whose land has not been certified, there will be immediate efforts. "Maybe later we will queue to register so that the land has a certificate, so that we have legal certainty," he added.
With this certificate, continued Regent Arief, he hopes that more people will have legal certainty and clear rights over their land ownership. Avoid land disputes and can increase community productivity.
The people of Sonorejo who have received the PTSL certificate are asked to look after and maintain it well. And if you want to use it as collateral for a loan, use it for productive things.
It was stated, based on Blora ATR/BPN data, that in Blora Regency the number of certificates that were pledged as collateral economically amounted to almost IDR 1.4 trillion.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Blora ATR/BPN Office, Rarif Setiawan, revealed that there is still quite a lot of potential for land certification in Blora.
In the future, the target number of PTSL program certificates issued in Blora will also increase. For this reason, the public is asked to take advantage of the PTSL service from ATR/BPN.
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Meanwhile, Sutomo, a resident of Sonorejo Village, admitted that he was very happy with the distribution of this certificate. He admitted that the PTSL program was very helpful to the community.
"Thank you, Mr President, Mr Minister of ATR, our community has been greatly helped by this PTSL program, hopefully next year there will be another program like this," he said.
He added that he plans to send his certificate to school to use as capital for his tire repair business. (Setyorini)