Preventing Being Used for Homecoming, 16 District Cars Are Stuck


INFOKU, BLORA  Finally the Regent of Blora Arief Rohman took a firm stance regarding the existing 16 sub-district operational cars.

To be used for homecoming, the cars are temporarily penned in the parking lot behind the Blora Regional Secretariat Office.

"For the time being he will be confined when he goes home," he said, Monday (17/4/2023).

It is said, the firm stance was to prevent the operational car from being used for going home.

Because it is intended for operations, to support the tasks of sub-district elements in government.

"After taking the leave together, the car will be taken to the sub-district again," added Regent Arief.

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It is known that the 16 new official cars distributed to 16 sub-districts in Blora recently, according to the Regent, were not intended as sub-district official cars.

But the car is used for district operations.

"That's the sub-district operational service car, not the sub-district head's official car. Not for Camat activities, but for operational activities," he said.

So that the existing elements of the sub-district can use it for operations. Such as the sub-district PKK, and sub-district-level community organizations.

"Such as MUI, and others can participate in using it for service activities or attending invitations to Village Villages," said the Regent.

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The Regent also emphasized that this official car may not be controlled or brought home by the Camat or Sub-District apparatus.

The new operational car is to replace the Suzuki APV car, which in 2021 was given a loan-to-use grant for Koramil operations throughout Blora Regency. On March 8, 2021, to be precise. (Setyorini/KOM)

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