Learning Poverty Data Management, Blora "Ngluruk" to Boyolali

INFOKU,BLORA - Deputy Regent of Blora, Central Java, Tri Yuli Setyowati and his staff studied at Boyolali about managing poverty data, Thursday (6/4/2023).  

This is a form of commitment to carry out the directives of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to reduce extreme poverty by 2024. 

In this activity the Wabup, who is fondly called Ms. Etik, invited the Head of Social Services Agency P3A and representatives from Bappeda.

Deputy Regent Tri Yuli and his entourage arrived at the Boyolali Regent's White House Office received by the Deputy Regent of Boyolali, Wahyu Irawan. Then they were invited to go to the Sadewa room for a joint discussion on poverty data management.

It is known that Boyolali Regency, which has the nickname New Zealand Van Java because it is a milk-producing area, has a program, namely the Monitoring Center of Development (MCD).

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The program is a one-data program launched by the Boyolali Regency Government to achieve regional development goals with data based at the RT level.

It was explained, Assistant II to the Boyolali Regional Secretary for Economics and Development, Insan Adi Asmono, through the MCD program, data updates were carried out based on each RT.

"This is a form of empowerment program for the smallest government organization. RTs are required to have complete population data," he explained.

According to Insan, the MCD program which is a participatory development concept has made achievements for Boyolali by winning 1st place at the Central Java level during the implementation of the National Leadership Training organized by the Central Java Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) at the end of 2022.

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It was this innovation that prompted the Blora Deputy Regent, Tri Yuli, who is also the Head of the Blora Regency Regional Poverty Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPKD), to study with the Boyolali Regency Government.

"MCD is a very good innovation. Later, ask permission from the deputy district chief or his staff to explain the program. So that later we can also do it in Blora," said Deputy Regent Tri Yuli.

Regarding data, the Deputy Regent, who is familiarly called Ms. Etik, said that data problems, especially those related to poverty, have been an old problem. Moreover, there are differences in data between institutions. (Setyorini/KOM) 

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