Allegedly Inappropriate LPj, Prosecutors Investigate DPRD Honorarium Budget

INFOKU, BLORA  The Blora State Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) yesterday (4/4) started investigating allegations of misappropriation of the budget for honorary sources for DPRD speakers.

The reporter was questioned, and some additional evidence was submitted in the form of an accountability report (LPj) for the narsum honorarium budget in 2021.


Head of Intelligence at the Attorney General's Office, Djatmiko, explained that he had summoned the reporter for questioning. Following up on a letter from the High Court (Kejati) of Central Java, for data collection (puldata), as well as collection of materials and information (pulbaket).

"It's still an investigation, we can't tell (whoever was summoned)," he said yesterday.

He emphasized that the Prosecutor's Office had issued an order to carry out the clarification. Anyone summoned in the report on alleged corruption in the DPRD's honorarium will be handed over to the investigating prosecutor.

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“Later the investigating prosecutor will determine who is summoned. I can't tell," he said.

Sukisman, the reporter of this case, admitted that he had submitted several pieces of evidence in the form of a budget draft.

Also new evidence for LPj in 2021 regarding the budget. From the study conducted, his party suspected that there was an act of misconduct.

“Allegedly the responsibility for honorarium was carried out not in accordance with the provisions. Our latest data is in the form of an LPj signed by the Sekwan," he said.

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In the LPj signed by the secretary (Secretary of the DPRD), it is written that the narsum budget for the 2021 DPRD has a ceiling of IDR 12.9 billion. However, the realization was Rp 11 billion. The remaining budget is IDR 1.8 billion.

According to him, LPj ​​is not suitable. A complaint letter was made stating that there were allegations of criminal acts of corruption in the payment of honorarium for sources. The amount of honorarium with the honorarium standard in Presidential Regulation Number 33 of 2020 is not in accordance.

"There are fictitious activities, up to the impropriety of the implementation of the activities," he said.

The complaint parties are 45 members of the Blora DPRD for the 2019-2024 period.

Based on the data, according to him, there are three alleged violations. Namely, the alleged violation of Presidential Decree 33 of 2020.

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Alleged fictitious activities, because in 2021 Blora's status will still be PPKM Covid-19. As well as allegations of impropriety.

"Because there are findings that can be narcissistic for 100 to 140 hours a month," he explained.

Meanwhile, Blora DPRD Secretary Catur Pambudi, when asked about the allegations, was reluctant to give an answer yesterday.  ( Endah / IST )

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