The Sarong War Action Happened in Cepu, Involving Middle School Children

 INFOKU, Cepu, BLORA – The Blora Police revealed that a sarong war between teenagers in the Cepu area, Blora Regency, was sparked by a challenge to each other.

"The initial information was a challenge between the groups of children," said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasat Reskrim) of the Blora Police, Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Supriyono when met by journalists at his office, Tuesday (28/3/2023).

(Photo:  IST  )

In addition to the action of challenging each other, the sarong war that was carried out between teenagers was also triggered by the assumption of tradition in the month of Ramadan.

Maybe this is considered a tradition in the month of Ramadan, but this tradition is not true," he said.

To prevent this action from happening again, the police will investigate the sarong war.

"We have to follow up on this immediately, don't let this incident happen again which causes things or effects that are more fatal for children or for local residents," he explained.

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The head of the criminal investigation unit (Kasat Reskrim) of the Blora Police, Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Supriyono said the action took place on Monday night at around 24.00 WIB.

"According to the information we received, it happened Monday night at around 24.00, but it is not certain whether it was Monday night or early Tuesday morning, but according to information from complex security it was Monday at 24.00," said Supriyono when met by journalists at his office, Tuesday ( 28/3/2023).

Supriyono explained that the action of the sarong war was allegedly carried out by teenagers who were still at school.

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"The results of our investigation while we have only conveyed indications that it was carried out by a group of children still in junior high school (junior high school) age," he explained.

Even so, the police are still looking for teenagers who are determined to carry out sarong wars at night.

Just to note, a video of a 29-second sarong war between youths has gone viral on social media. In the video, dozens of young people slash sarongs at other youths while running. (Endah / IST ) 

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