INFOKU, BLORA -The Blora Regency Government carried out a ceremony to take the oath of office and inaugurate structural officials into functional positions, Wednesday (29/12/2021) afternoon.
A total of 236 echelon IV structural officials appointed by Regent H. Arief Rohman, became functional in this event.
The swearing-in ceremony and inauguration ceremony was held at the Regent's Office Hall, witnessed by Deputy Regent Tri Yuli Setyowati, Regional Secretary Komang Gede Irawadi, Head of Blora Regency BKD, Heru Eko Wiyono, and related OPD Heads.
According to Regent Arief, the appointment of civil servants in functional positions and equalization in these positions is carried out on the basis of Permenpan RB Number 17 of 2021 on Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions.
Then Permenpan RB Number 25 of 2021 concerning Simplification of Organizational Structures in Government Agencies for Bureaucracy Simplification, and Minister of Home Affairs Letter No. 800/8309/OTDA concerning Approval of Equal Positions in Regency/City Regional Governments.
“We are doing this inauguration to realize effective and efficient governance. We are simplifying the bureaucracy, which was previously a process from 3 levels (Echelon II, III and IV) to only 2 levels (Echelon II and III)," said the Regent.
With this simplification of the bureaucracy, we hope that later the performance of ASN will be even better.
"Moreover, yesterday we received an e-office and e-SAKIP application grant from the Sumedang Regency Government. We hope that in the future all of our work will be done digitally, there will be no more stacks of dispositions and security on the table, everything clicks and clicks," continued the Regent.
“The process was fast, I was with Mrs. Deputy, Mr. Sekda and all the heads of OPD, just click using tabs and smartphones. Therefore, all civil servants must also adapt to the times, “said the Regent.
Meanwhile, the head of the Blora Regency BKD, Heru Eko Wiyono, explained that for the organizational structure of this simplification of the structure, the Structural Echelon IV positions were removed and Echelon IV officials had to be transferred to functional officials.
"The work system must change faster and more professionally. Furthermore, for echelon IV officials who are equivalent to functional, they will be given additional duties as official coordinators and subcoordinators in the work environment, and will get a TPP that is equivalent to a structural position. So it is hoped that it will not have an impact on the office, ”he explained.
According to him, a total of 236 officials were sworn in in this activity, both equal and appointed as functional positions from the CPNS formation.
"The officials who are equalized to become functional are 189 with details of 2 echelon III.b and 187 echelon IV.a. While the officials who were appointed to functional positions from the CPNS formation were 47 people consisting of 22 health workers, 3 technical personnel, and 22 teachers," he concluded.
Acting as witnesses in the oath-taking and inauguration ceremony were the Regional Inspector, Sugiyono, and the Head of Blora Regency Bappeda, Henny Indriyanti. (Setyorini/KOM)