MY INFO, BLORA – The Central Government's decision to postpone the acceptance of the decree (SK) for the appointment of CPNS and PPPK by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform has caused concern among prospective employees .
Including in Blora, the time previously scheduled in March had to be postponed longer, namely October.
Sarobi, one of the PPPK candidates waiting to be appointed, admitted that he felt he would object if there was a delay in receiving the SK .
Because, some of his friends who also passed PPPK have taken out bank loans .
"But my friends, why it was postponed, I don't know, for me it's a burden for us," he said.
Likewise, Sodikun, who also has the same profession, expressed the same thing, his party hopes that the central government will revise the postponement of the acceptance of the decree.
If it is indeed postponed, it should not be for as long as it is currently being implemented.
“It's almost a year, that 's a long way. "We hope to be appointed as soon as possible," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Blora Human Resources Development and Civil Service Agency ( BKPSDM ), Heru Eko Wiyono, told the press that the postponement of the acceptance of the CPNS and PPPK SK was a decision from the MenpanRB and his party had received a circular from the State Civil Service Agency ( BKN ).
He admitted that in fact the Blora Regency Government (Pemkab) had prepared a decree to be submitted to employees who took the selection and passed in 2024.
"Although in Blora it was already done (SK for employees), it was also all annulled," he said.
Heru explained, based on the BKN circular, CPNS has been postponed until October 1, 2025.
Meanwhile, for PPPK, the signing of the work agreement can be done on February 1, 2026 and the work implementation on March 1, 2026. His party will be guided by the decision.
He emphasized that the Central and Regional Agency Personnel Development Officers will continue to budget salaries for non-ASN employees who are undergoing the selection process until they are appointed as ASN as regulated in the Letter of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.
"Salaries for PPPK can be received after receiving SPMT (Statement of Carrying Out Duties)," he explained. (Endah/ IST )
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