INFOKU, BLORA -Blora Regent Arief Rohman, together with Deputy Regent Sri Setyorini, asked for support from Commission D of the Central Java DPRD regarding the construction of provincial roads in the Blora Regency area.
This was stated to Commission D of the Central Java DPRD during a working visit to Blora, Tuesday (4/3/2025).
At the event which took place in the meeting room of the Blora Regency Secretariat, Regent Arief conveyed various problems that exist in Blora Regency.
He hopes that the members of the Central Java DPRD can help solve this problem.
These various problems, starting from poverty data and home renovation assistance, include the Regent's proposal regarding the construction of Provincial Roads in the Blora Regency area.
According to the Regent, the community has been waiting for a long time for repairs to provincial roads in a number of locations in Blora which are in a damaged condition.
"We ask for help to oversee the proposal for the construction of damaged provincial roads in the Blora area. Such as the Ngawen - Japah - Todanan Road, the Cepu - Kedungtuban - Randublatung Road. Including the Blora - Kunduran Road which is still damaged in Kajangan - Setro and Klokah - Jagong," said the Regent.
The damaged road status is a provincial road under the management of the Central Java BMCK DPU. For that reason, it is right for the Regent to ask his friends from the Central Java DPRD to help oversee its budget.
"Some time ago during a retreat in Magelang, I have conveyed the complaint about the damage to the provincial road directly to Governor Ahmad Luthfi. Meanwhile, our friends from the DPRD, we also entered the legislative path. Hopefully, both can work together for Blora," said the Regent.
"We ask the Governor (executive) and especially Ning Niken, a member of the Central Java DPRD, Electoral District 5 (Blora - Grobogan) to oversee this proposal. We greatly hope that it can be repaired immediately by the Central Java BMCK DPU, especially since it is almost Eid," he added.
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Meanwhile, Blora Deputy Regent Sri Setyorini stated that she agreed with Regent Arief's proposal.
He then gave the example of the damage to the Ngawen - Japah - Todanan Road, which is in a very worrying condition.
"For example, the Ngawen - Japah - Todanan Provincial Road in Dologan Village is often flooded by river overflow. We want this route to be concreted to make it stronger. Currently, the condition is very uncomfortable to pass. Please prioritize it," said Deputy Regent Rini.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of Commission D of the Central Java DPRD, Ida Nur Sa'adah, appreciated the efforts of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Blora in fighting for the construction of provincial roads in their area.
"The struggle of the Regent and the Deputy Regent is extraordinary. Because this is a provincial road, we are ready to help oversee the proposal. Blora, although located in the easternmost region, Central Java, must also be considered. We will oversee it together," he said.
Niken Mayasari, a member of the Central Java DPRD from Electoral District 5 (Blora - Grobogan), expressed similar sentiments.
He promised to work together to ensure that Blora is a priority.
"I am ready to help oversee it. Moreover, this is my electoral district, my constituents. God willing, we will help push it so that it can be a priority. Fight together," said Niken.
It is known that the group of Commission D of the Central Java DPRD who conducted a working visit to Blora, namely, Chair of Commission D, Hj. Ida Nur Sa'adah (PKB).
In addition, Ning Niken Mayasari (PKB), Sugiharto (PKB), P. Bayu Kusuma (Gerindra), Siswanto (Golkar), Gus Muh Ali Wafa (PPP), H. Nurul Furqon (PPP), Mulyadi (PDIP) and Mas Andang Wahyu Triyatno (PDIP).
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