INFOKU -The origin of the story of Sendang Jetakwanger is that there are several travelers who entered the forest or in Javanese terms, wong babati alas.
The traveler felt thirsty and wanted to drink, but there was no running water or water source.
Then they dug the ground to make a hole and water came out of the hole.
At that time there was no village there, now there is a village and the village is named Jetakwanger village.
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The local residents finally built the hole and then arranged it and then named it Jetakwanger spring.
All the residents' activities are very dependent on the spring, from drinking, irrigation, watering pets , cooking and so on.
The well water never runs out even though it is taken continuously morning, noon and evening.
“Jetakwanger Spring is a legacy from ancient people, because they were very happy with the existence of this water source, they built a spring.
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The person waiting for the spring there is a former joged, her name is Mbah Sulastri, she moved from Bangeran village.
Therefore , if the village is clean, the entertainment is required to be jogging (Mbah Sungkono , 80 years old).
Many people from outside the village and outside the city come to Jetakwanger spring almost every Friday night for various purposes.
People who come to Jetakwanger spring aim to have smooth fortune, find a partner, be given health, increase sales and so on.
Moreover, during the month of Muharram, many residents come to Jetakwanger spring at night.
With the belief that has been alive in the community , then a myth emerged that developed in the Jetakwanger spring.
There is a myth, namely: People who often bathe in springs will stay young. What is meant by someone who often bathes , their body will definitely look cleaner and younger.
If a sick person is given water from this spring, he will recover.
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This means that the one who gives all kinds of illnesses is the Almighty, through the water or because the water is given healing by the Almighty.
If pregnant women often bathe there, their babies will be born white.
The meaning of being said to be white is that the heart is clean, not the skin. (Roes – taken from various stories in society)
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