Blora Regent Emphasizes Budget Efficiency to Achieve Vision and Mission

INFOKU, BLORA -Blora Regent Arief Rohman, led the Operational Activity Control Coordination Meeting (POK) with all regional apparatus at the Blora Regent's Pendopo, Monday (3/3/2025). 

This meeting was held to follow up on the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the adjustment of regional income and spending efficiency in the 2025 APBD, as well as to discuss the vision and mission of the new leadership and the work program for the first 100 days.

At the meeting attended by the Deputy Regent of Blora, Sri Setyorini, Regional Secretary, Expert Staff of the Regent, Assistant Regional Secretary, all Heads of Regional Apparatus of Blora Regency, Head of Section, Sub-district Head, and Echelon III officials, Regent Arief emphasized the importance of budget optimization so that all development programs run according to plan.

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"We have time to align the budget with the achievement of the vision and mission. I ask everyone to note in detail the aspects that need to be considered to achieve the development target," said the Regent.

He highlighted the final point on the use of budget efficiency results, namely for priorities oriented towards improving public welfare, job creation, and economic growth.

"It should be noted that the relationship between priorities for improving public welfare, job creation and economic growth needs to be maintained," he stressed.

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The Regent of Blora hopes that all ASN will remain enthusiastic about providing the best service to the community despite facing challenges of budget efficiency.

"This is not a reason to reduce our enthusiasm in serving the people. In fact, this is a challenge for us to work more innovatively and provide solutions," he said.


Meanwhile, Blora Regional Secretary Komang Gede Irawadi, emphasized to all heads of Regional Apparatus to immediately complete the financial reports that will be reported to the Indonesian Audit Board (BPK).

According to him, this is an important thing in order to maintain the 11th Unqualified Opinion (WTP) this year.

On the same occasion, the Head of Bapperida Blora, Mahbub Djunaidi, explained the vision and mission of the new leadership which is contained in the main theme "Sesareng mBangun Blora Maju dan Berkelanjutan."

Also read: Impact of Central Budget Efficiency, Blora Regency Government Continues to Prioritize Infrastructure Development

The Vision in question is described in six missions, namely:

1. Realizing infrastructure that is evenly distributed, high quality and sustainable,

2. Improve the quality of human resources,

3. Increase regional productivity in the agricultural, livestock, MSME and investment sectors,

4. Realizing a government with integrity, adaptive and collaborative,

5. Strengthening socio-cultural, economic and ecological resilience,

6. Creating a conducive environment for investment, economic stability and sustainable development.

From these six missions, 32 priority programs were formulated, divided into the infrastructure, economic, human development and governance sectors.

In addition, Quick Win programs that will be executed in the first 100 days were also presented in the meeting.  (Setyorini/KOM) 

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