INFOKU, BLORA - Cepu is currently known as one of the areas in Blora Regency.
Cepu's abundant natural wealth in the form of petroleum makes Cepu more famous than Blora.
The location of the Cepu Block is one of the markers of the Cepu area which is quite well known to the public even though the mouth of the oil well is in Bojonegoro.
The people of Cepu in particular and Blora in general have origins in the area now called Cepu.
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There are several versions of folklore that have developed in the Cepu area regarding the origin of the name Cepu.
One of them said that the name was born during the Pajang Kingdom.
In the oral tradition that developed in Blora, it is said that in ancient times in the Duchy of Panolan there lived three brothers, namely Prince Benawa, Prince Giri Kusuma and Pangean Giri Jati.
There was no harmonious communication between the three princes.
The two brothers, Prince Giri Kusuma and Prince Giri Jati, did not agree with the policies implemented by their older brother, Prince Benawa, so they both planned a rebellion.
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This was done so that Prince Benawa would listen to the suggestions of the two princes.
The story goes that the rebellion finally happened, a civil war. Prince Benawa led the war directly against his two younger brothers.
At that time, Prince Benawa's troops had reached the banks of the Begawan Solo, but were then ambushed by troops led by his younger brother.
Prince Benawa and his troops tried to defend themselves and retreated to a muddy area.
In that area, Prince Benawa was trapped in a pool of hot mud and could not continue the war, because he was hampered by mud that was knee-high or in Javanese, "press sak nduwuring pupu".
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Because his feet were Mancep Cousin (Up to the Thighs) in the mud, Prince Benawa finally gave up and that place was then known as "Cepu" until now. (Roes/Adapted from various sources)
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