Wow.... It turns out that the salary for Blora Village Companions is below the UMK

INFOKU, BLORA - The salaries of village assistants are below minimum wage (UMK). 

Blora Village Companions (Photo:IST )

Therefore, efforts are being made to provide additional operational or  incentives  to support performance.

Currently, the Blora Regency Government ( Pemkab ) is still finalizing  the incentive scheme  which will be sourced from  the APBD  .

"We followed up on the agenda at the hall with village assistants yesterday by discussing additional operational schemes," said  Head of the Blora  Community and Village Empowerment Service ( DPMD ), Yayuk Windrarti.

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Yayuk explained that additional operational costs could be in the form of incentives, additional  accommodation  for business trips, or others.

In order to ensure the incentive scheme, his party asked the village assistant coordinator to take samples of districts/cities that had implemented it.

"Based on the report, there are already around seven districts that already have this scheme," he explained.

Yayuk explained that the funds for the operation would certainly use the APBD. However, it is impossible to realize this year. Because, the 2024 P-APBD has been agreed upon.

"It can't be done this year, it can be implemented in 2025," he explained.

Increase Workload

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Village Assistance for Blora Regency, Faizin, confirmed that his party is currently conducting a regulatory study on the plan.

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He confirmed that there were districts that had used the incentive scheme.

In order to monitor certain programs that are a priority for regional development, for example monitoring  BUMDes .

There is also an   operational  support scheme to strengthen data collection on sustainable development goals  ( SDGs ) in villages.

"Of course,  the data output  can be one of the considerations for government planning at all levels, from village, district, province, to national," he explained.

Moreover, development planning in villages, he continued, based on Permendes Number 21 of 2020 is no longer only based on exploring ideas.

However, it must also be based on  existing data,  so that the achievement of development in the village can be measured in terms of quantity and quality.

"Because of the importance of the data, more intensive monitoring is needed.  Well,  intensive monitoring will certainly be more optimal when there is  budget support  from the local government," he said.

He emphasized that additional operational support for village assistants was important.

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Because, the salary received from the central government is currently below the UMK.

"It would be a shame if we were burdened with more, but not supported operationally  ," he said.

However, regarding the nominal additional operations that will be realized, his party has not dared to convey before there is certainty.  (Endah/ IST ) 

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