Pertamina EP Cepu Field Holds Organic Farming Training in Blora

INFOKU, BLORA - Organic farming training was held by Pertamina EP Cepu Field in Sumber Village, Kradenan District, Blora Regency.  

photo :  IST   

The training was attended by 36 participants from 2 villages, namely Sumber Village and Mojorembun Village, Kradenan District.

In this training, participants are introduced further to how to farm using organic farming methods, including how to care for, control pests, and make organic fertilizer from materials available in the area.

In this training, participants are also invited to build awareness of environmental conservation by reducing the use of chemical products such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers in everyday agriculture.

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Tarkun, Head of Kradenan Sub-district, in his speech at the opening of the training expressed his gratitude to Pertamina EP Field Cepu for initiating the CSR program in the Sub-district he leads.

He hopes that the program and cooperation between Pertamina can run in the long term and can be further expanded to other areas in Blora Regency.

"Very grateful to Pertamina, we hope this activity does not just stop here. We hope this can run in the long term so that it brings broad benefits to farmers in Kradenan District and the community in Blora Regency more broadly,'' he said.

Environmental Conservation

Pertamina EP Cepu Field Field Manager, Dody Tetra Atmadi, said that this program is aimed at providing education to the community regarding organic farming and environmental conservation simultaneously.

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According to him, organic farming, apart from having a higher economic value for the community, through the implementation of organic farming, can also maintain environmental sustainability in the community, by utilizing natural materials and reducing the use of chemicals in agriculture.

"We see great potential in Kradenan sub-district. In this training, we hope that the community can improve economically and can participate in environmental conservation efforts," he explained.

This training is the initial stage of the Pertamina EP Cepu Field Community Development Program (PPM) for communities around the company's operational area.

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After completing the basic training, the next stage is that the community will receive direct assistance in implementing organic farming in the field, including assistance in maintenance, product manufacturing, product certification and assistance in product sales. (Endah/ IST ) 

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