INFOKU, BLORA – A quite promising statement emerged at the inauguration of the 2023-2027 Blora Regency Himpaudi, Friday (22/12/23) afternoon.
The Regent of Blora, H. Arief Rohman, is trying to improve the welfare of PAUD teachers in Blora, including reviewing the possibility of opening a PPPK formation for PAUD teachers.
The Regent said that there are still many PAUD teachers whose welfare is still lacking, so in the future there must be at least an increase in welfare.
"Hopefully there is a budget. We will also ask the Education Office and BKD to study the possibility of opening a PPPK formation for PAUD teachers. Please pray," he said, who was present at the inauguration with the Blora Regency PAUD Mother, Hj. Ainia Sholichah.
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It is known that the Management of the Association of Indonesian Early Childhood Educators and Education Personnel (Himpaudi) for the 2023-2027 period of Blora Regency was inaugurated Friday (22/12/2023) afternoon, in the hall of Building B of the Blora Regency Education Service Office.
Martini, as Chair, Deputy Chair: Ika Listiyani, Secretary Lutfiana Dewi Rahmawati, Deputy Secretary: Dimas Ayu Permata Indahsari and Treasurer Lina Sulistyowati.
As Chair of Himpaudi Blora, Martini stated, Himpaudi Blora is ready to continue to innovate to advance PAUD education.
"We are ready to work together to build a sustainable Blora in the education sector. Hopefully the Regent's intention to improve the welfare of PAUD teachers will be given the best path. "We are very grateful for the Regent's attention," he said.
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This ability follows from the Regent, Arief Rohman, who hopes that the new Himpaudi Blora management can produce work programs and innovations for the advancement of Early Childhood Education in Blora.
The Regent emphasized that PAUD is the first basic education that our children receive. Therefore, the human resources of the teachers are not arbitrary. Must be able to produce innovation so that children are happy while participating in fun education. (Endah/KOM)