Oops ..... As a result of administrative negligence, SK Plt Sonorejo Lurah Ganda

INFOKU, BLORA  – Polemics emerged after the appointment of Acting Head of Sonorejo Village Head, Blora District.

Because, there are two people who received a decision letter (SK) as Acting Head of the Sonorejo Village Head. They are Endang Winarni and Dendro Bayu Aji.

The head of the Blora Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Heru Eko Wiyono explained, the SK Plt for the first Sonorejo village head had been withdrawn from the start.

This is because there is a discrepancy within the internal circle of the Sonorejo Village. So a second letter was published with a different name.

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However, it turned out that both of them had already been submitted and received the signature of the regional secretary (sekda).

“Underneath that  usrek . Whoever it is must be noisy. Instead of being crowded, they were given one of the staff from the sub-district,'' he explained to Media.

Heru realized that the issuance of the double decree was an administrative oversight.

However, he admitted that the first letter issued on Monday (3/4) has been withdrawn.

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Then came the second letter again. According to him, it was because of the weakness of the use of electronic systems.

"We admit that there was an oversight, the regional secretary has already signed the first SK. Then there is a second letter submitted and signed again, "he said.

To anticipate that this will not happen again, in the future for making decrees such as the Plt do not use an electronic system.

His party will make the letter manually with a wet stamp. In addition, both letters have now been withdrawn. (Endah / IST )

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