INFOKU, BLORA –As President Jokowi said when he was in Jati a few days ago, national fertilizer production won't be sufficient for farmers in Indonesia.
For this reason, subsidized fertilizers should be limited, of course, farmers need encouragement with organic farming.
It needs massive education and assistance. Because inviting organic farming takes seriousness and time.
Lora Regent Arief Rohman said the limited supply of fertilizer came from the central government. However, his party will not remain silent and will cooperate with various stakeholders to develop organic farming.
According to him, organic fertilizer can be produced by yourself. Healthier and economically the results are more optimal than chemical fertilizers.
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“ There are already several villages developing organic farming such as several villages in Kedungtuban District. For example, Bajo Village, Tanjung Village, Nglandeyan Village," he explained . (Endah)