INFOKU, BLORA - The Village Heads of Blora Regency, called the Village Administration Association (Apdesi), are scheduled to hold hearings at the MPR/DPR RI building this Sunday.
APDESI Blora plans to demand the revision of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Village Administration. One of these is the revision of the village head's position from 6 years to 9 years.
There are several plans that will be conveyed by the Blora village head, namely the term of office of the village head will be nine years for each period.
The period for the village head to be returned to the rights of the village people to be re-elected or not. Not limited by the center with only two periods.
demanding that village head candidates return for at least one year, demanding village governance to be evaluated, and demanding that existing village officials be appointed PPPK, so that their employment status is clear.
APDESI chairman of Blora Regency, Agung Heri Susanto, said that he fully agreed with the plan. Because this is a common interest.
"It's true, Ms., plans to go there, but for now it's still being discussed by village heads throughout Indonesia," said Agung, who is also the Head of Sidorejo Village, Kedungtuban District, when contacted via cellular yesterday.
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Meanwhile, contacted separately, Sugihraharjo, the head of Berbak Village, Ngawen District, also explained and confirmed the existence of the plan.
For the time being we are still coordinating for departure.
"Alhamdulillah, my friends and I are happy and agree that our demands will be accepted," added the Berbak village head. (Endah)