Three times Absent from the Call of the Prosecutor. Former Kedungbacin Village Head Becomes DPO


INFOKU, BLORA  – Rasmo, the former village head (Kades) of Kedungbacin, Todanan District, was named on the wanted list (DPO) by the Blora District Attorney's Office (Kejari).

This was done after Rasmo failed to summonsed by the Prosecutor's Office three times. Rasmo was summoned for questioning over the alleged 2018-2019 Village Fund (DD) corruption case.

Photo: IST

Investigators are still focused on finding the suspect. Thus, it has not yet been determined whether there is an alleged involvement of other parties or not.

"That (alleged involvement of other parties, ed) is under the authority of the investigator to explain the investigation materials," said Head of Intelligence at the Prosecutor's Office Blora Djatmiko yesterday (2/4).

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Djatmiko explained that his party had named Rasmo as a DPO since March 28. After sending summons letters three times, no response was received. The evidence held by investigators is strong on suspicion of corruption.

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"Investigators have come to his house to deliver proper summons three times. However, the person concerned was never present to fulfill the summons,''he explained.

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the prosecutor's office exposed and found a number of pieces of evidence, to elevate the status of the investigation to an investigation.

As a result of the alleged corruption committed by the former village head, the state loss was estimated at IDR 400 million.

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"The point is that the alleged corruption in the management of village funds for physical activities in 2018-2019 has not been completed but has been reported 100 percent," he explained.

To investigate the alleged corruption case, a number of parties, starting from the camat, village officials, and the village head who is currently in office, have been questioned.

"Todanan sub-district heads from several periods, then village officials and also the new village head, we have also asked for information," he concluded.  (Endah/ IST )

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